Positive Behaviour for Learning
Upcoming School Disco!
We are holding an Easter Disco on Thursday 11 April 2024.
6.00pm - 8.00pm
$2 entry
Huntly Primary Students only
Food and Drinks sold on site
Our School Values
Wairua Pai
Class Vouchers
Earn these in class
School Tokens
Earn these around the school
PB4L - What is it?
Our School is a PB4L School. PB4L stands for Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and it improves the behaviour and wellbeing of children and young people.
PB4L is a programme which helps our learners be the best that they can be and help them to reach their goals through positive choices. Our school encourages Positive Behaviour through modelling, encouraging, and acknowledging when tamariki make the right choice.
PB4L Assembly
Every Monday morning at 9.15am we hold a PB4L School Assembly in the hall. We encourage our whaanau to attend and learn about what PB4L looks like in our school. This time together helps us support each other and reminds us of our school values. We celebrate our positive choices with two types of rewards; school tokens and class vouchers.
School Tokens - what are they?
School tokens can be earned through displaying our school values and by making positive choices in the playground, around school, and in assembly. Teachers actively look for tamariki who are making good choices and when they spot them, they hand out tokens. Coloured tokens are worth 5 points and gold tokens are worth 10 points.
When students receive a token, they add them to their class jar. These are housed outside the staff room on the PB4L trolley. At the end of the week, teachers total up the jars. The class with the most tokens wins a class prize!
Class Vouchers - what are they?
Class vouchers can only be earned in class. If your teacher catches you being good, that means showing Perseverance, Ownership, Wairua Pai, Excellence, or Respect then they will reward you with a voucher.
When students receive a voucher, they take them to the voucher box. These are housed outside the staff room on the PB4L trolley. At our PB4L assembly 6 lucky winners will be drawn from the box. The winners get to choose a prize from the PB4L prize box. These are collected at the end of the day from the school office.
A movie about Respect
Room 5 create a movie about how to show Respect. Watch this young tama on his journey to respect himself, his peers, school, and teachers.
What can you win?
Here at Huntly Primary School, we care about what motivates your child. We ask our tamariki what they would like to receive when they make good choices. Here are some of the things that they have asked for.